Rules and Regulations

Our website rules and regulations of use are as stipulated below.

Students Rules and Regulations

  1. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they understand the course requirements before registering and any change needed must be communicated early. The college bears no responsibility whatsoever for student registering for courses not qualified for.
  2. All students must ensure that their e-learning portals are kept up to date and especially on communication emails and phone numbers for both the student and the guardian.
  3. On admission, new students are provided with student ID cards, the card must be carried within and outside the college at all times.
  4. The learning session commerce from 8.00 am To 5.00 pm Students are expected to be in their respective classes not later than the stipulated time. Students shall not leave classroom until the lesson is over. Persistent latecomers will not be allowed into classes. Saturday classes, if any, commences at 9.00 am To 1.00 pm Weekdays evening classes commence from 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm.
  5. Students who miss more than 10% of their classes remain absent shall be discontinued from their classes. Absenteeism should be supported by appropriate document and the college administration will always summon the parent/guardian to discuss the inconsistent attendance of the student.
  6. School fees must be paid on the first day of new term in full or with special agreements, 50% within the first 2 weeks and 100% within the first 1 month. Payments are made on termly basis. A tuition or examination fee once paid is not refundable. All banking slips shall be presented to our administrative secretaries or accounts office immediately upon banking for receipting. No cash payment is allowed in school. All fees must be paid by M-pesa or direct deposit to the college bank account.
  7. All tuition fees should be cleared before sitting for any internal cat or external exams. No students will be allowed into the classroom or exam room with fee arrears; and no one shall book exams with fee balance.
  8. It is mandatory for all students to purchase the student course handbook from the office. This is crucial as it will guide the student on their course of study. Students are advised to establish a good rapport with their tutors; they are also welcomed to discuss their learning problems within the laid hierarchy starting with their teachers, HODs, counselor, principal and the management.
  9. Students are expected to understand information about examination booking procedures and the college examination policies. This is contained also in the student course handbook. Any other information regarding the same, like exam timetables and exam booking deadlines, are always pinned on the college notice boards and it is the students' responsibility to always read the notices and updates on notice boards. Students must book the exams themselves through the approval of their HODs and sign the relevant examination forms with the examination officer, according to Uwezo College exam policy.
  10. For the college to effectively execute its role, students are encouraged to air out their grievances, new ideas and comments through the college suggestion box and student's council. Here at Uwezo College, the opinions of the students count.
  11. Students are strictly advised to dress formally and modestly. Wearing of evening attires, hats, caps, bathroom slippers, short trousers, very tight trousers, low-neck dresses, short dresses, transparent or any form of indecent clothing is prohibited. All shall dress modestly as if going for interviews. No indecently dressed student will be allowed into the college compound.
  12. Within every semester, the college conducts the continuous assessment tests (CATs). These are compulsory to all students. The attendance to and performance of these cats determines registration and booking of external examinations. They also contribute the 30% marks to the final external exam (KNEC).any student who abscond the cats must sit for the same before he/she resumes classes for the next semester. The cat's marks will be captured in the progressive reports and exam booking form.
  13. At the end of semester CATS and assignments and exams, students are issued with progressive reports and transcripts from the examination's office. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the reports reach their parents/guardian, including fee structure in case there is change effected on fee payments.
  14. Students will be issued with recommendation and attachment letters upon course completion or as defined by the management. Students going for the attachment must obtain industrial assessment log book from the office at a fee to be determined from time to time and depending on the place of attachment.
  15. In Uwezo College, industrial attachment is compulsory. The management may look for attachment for our students, in carefully selected establishments. Those who feel un-comfortable with those firms are free to look for attachment elsewhere, but the management has a right to vet those places. They shall also be assessed by Uwezo College staff or otherwise, given the proximity. Attaches are expected to follow Uwezo College attachment policy and obey attaching organization's rules like other employees. They must behave appropriately.
  16. The college will not be held responsible for damage, loss or any form of certificates' or result slips' frustration thereof due to non-collection over a period of six months after the examination sitting.
  17. To maintain proper learning environment within the college, students are expected to observe silence. During their free times, the students will occupy and do their private studies in any free classroom or library but not to loiter in the corridors, streets or other people's offices. It is recommended that students go for private studies in our library or un-occupied classroom. Maximum use of our library facility is encouraged while observing library rules.
  18. Books borrowed from the library must be returned within the stipulated times. Late returns will attract a fee.
  19. Receiving of personal telephone calls while in class is prohibited. All mobile phones must be switched off while attending lessons or in an exam room. No student should leave lecture hall to receive call.
  20. In order to avoid embarrassing situations the students are advised not to encourage visitors during learning hours and in the classrooms. All visitors should report at the secretary's office for assistance.
  21. All people have right to a clean environment. For hygiene reasons students are not allowed to bring food into classrooms or library. Toilet facilities and sanitations are provided within the college. Kindly assist in keeping them (and the entire college) clean and tidy. All litter and rubbish should be placed in the waste bins placed in designated areas within the college.
  22. The school fee for all the students is subject to adjustment from time to time. Fee changes will affect new students immediately and any continuing students will be allowed to continue paying their normal rates up to the end of the module they are in.
  23. Any misconduct or criminal act such as theft, forgery, drunkenness, damage of college properties, lack of respect to the administration or any gross misconduct will lead to suspension or expulsion from the college. This shall be at the discretion of the director, principal and the entire management. In such cases, fees paid will not be refunded.
  24. Every student is issued with a college t-shirt on admission. Uwezo College t-shirt are to be worn on every Friday of the week, for this is our corporate day. Other days to be worn include college events like sports, cultural days and academic trips.
  25. Uwezo College holds graduation ceremonies after every two (2) years. All graduates must have met the threshold graduation eligibility criteria, namely that, they must have completed their course in terms of duration, must have sat for all exams and passed them with their respective examination bodies, must have cleared their fee arrears, must have paid graduation fee as laid down by management and must be ready to comply with other laid down graduation obligations.
  26. The clarification or explanation of Uwezo College set rules and regulations can be done at the principal's office. The rules are also subject to amendments at the wish of management. Any current rules and regulations immediately override any previous similar documents for the same.
  27. It's prohibited to enter the college premises under the influence of any intoxicating drugs. If any student is caught abusing drugs or other substances will be expelled from the college instantly. Any student with any form of addictions should seek the help of the college counselor immediately.
  28. Students should avoid leaning against walls and door-ways. Students shall desist from disfiguring the class rooms, the furniture, compound walls and buildings or any part of the college campus by pasting poster's fixing nails or writing on them. They shall also desist from disfiguring the compound walls of neighboring building.
  29. All students are encouraged to enroll in one or more games and a social club.
  30. Community service is mandatory for every student. A minimum of five hours should be recorded before completing enrolled course and a certificate of service issued.
  31. From time to time, the college takes images/videos of our students during important events/activities in the college that are used in the colleges website and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. By signing the college rules and regulations, you grant content to the use of the videos/images in the said platforms.
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